Top 10 Things Need for a Long Term Relationship !

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Relationships nowadays are becoming more sensitive due to the circumstances of life, however, one can easily give his/her 100% to their relationship and will get a good result but it will not be sure that the person will stay with you forever because when a person met another one they can attract towards them and forget all the other things which matters to them, it usually happens till 25 years of age, albeit after 25 year old, the same trend has been noticed in 10% of people.

Furthermore, relationship is a thing in which one can promise to each other for loyalty and it is the most extensive thing which is a root of a realationship, if a person cheat on you or attract towards other more than 1 time then you need to now it buddy that you have to leave that person because they can not control their mind in it and they will easily cheat on you in future.

The things which helps to grow a long term relationship are as follows-

1. Trust each other because if your partner would like to talk about it with you then can definately tell you and if you force your partner then there are chances they can tell you a lie so ask only once or twice.

2. Do not check your partner's phone because if you do that then you can not follow 1st point.

3. Do not hesitate to tell your feelings with them, if you like something in your partner, express in a way that they will impress and if there is you not like tell them without hesitation in a way in which you're feeling, do not scold. If the person value you they will not repeat it, but if your likes and dislikes doesn't matter to them then they can ignore this and you need to know that you are with a wrong person.

4. Love each other and remember to present this in your own way your partner will love it.

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5. Most significant point is respect between you both, not only the words but it has to be in your actions, yes sometime there are clashes between partners but it doesn't mean that you need to speak abusively, just keep calm and never tell them wrong, if they are doing wrong continuously then please stop this relationship rather than to speak abusively.

6. Visit new places with your partner to explore interests between both.

7. Visit spiritual places to know more about your own religion and grasp the knowledge of your religion and apply it in your relation to help it grow for a long term.

8.  It is a human nature that our mind attract to new people very easily, but remember to compare your partner fully and the new one before taking a step for a new one because it should be a very big mistake and one can easily spoil their long relationship for some few days of attraction and after that there has been only regret in a life for loosing someone.

9. Do not listen to people and do not share your each and every thing with your friends even your best friend because if they do not like your partner they will definately play some tricks to keep you away with your partner intentionaly or unintentionaly. 

10. Take time to think before taking a step to go separate and discuss it first with your partner all of your doubts and understand the past completely to clarify doubts rather than to take a step before think because it will ruin your future goals and will ruin your or your partners life because their future are interconnected in a relationship.


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